Thursday, July 31, 2014

What are the indications of peritoneal dialysate?

peritoneal dialysate(lactate) (low calcium) indications are:
(1) the acute renal failure.(2) chronic renal failure.(3) the acute toxic drugs or poisoning.(4) refractory heart failure. (5) refractory edema.(6) electrolyte imbalance and acid-base balance disorders
The volume of dialysate removed as well as patient's weight are monitored. If more than 500ml of fluid are retained or a liter of fluid is lost across three consecutive treatments, the patient's physician is generally notified. Excessive loss of fluid can result in hypovolemic shock or hypotension while excessive fluid retention can result in hypertension and edema. Also monitored is the color of the fluid removed: normally it is pink-tinged for the initial four cycles and clear or pale yellow afterwards. The presence of pink or bloody effluent suggests bleeding inside the abdomen while feces indicates a perforated bowel and cloudy fluid suggests infection. The patient may also experience pain or discomfort if the dialysate is too acidic, too cold or introduced too quickly, while diffuse pain with cloudy discharge may indicate an infection. Severe pain in the rectum or perineum can be the result of an improperly placed catheter. The dwell can also increase pressure on the diaphragm causing impaired breathing, and constipation can interfere with the ability of fluid to flow through the catheter.

This time the urine occult blood glomerulonephritis +3 (200)?

Condition analysis:
Hello, urine occult blood, indicating a urinary tract bleeding, including kidney, ureter, bladder and other organs can cause bleeding in urine occult blood.
Recommendations to the local hospital Nephrology regular checks to be urine, blood, exclude urinary tract infection. Then make a kidney ureter bladder B-exclude urinary stones. Urinary red cell morphology then be checked to see that the site is bleeding, re-treatment.
What are the symptoms of glomerulonephritis?
1 . Edema
Glomerular filtration rate , resulting in water and sodium retention ; protein lost in the urine due to decreased plasma colloid osmotic pressure , causing water retention ; renin secretion, causing secondary aldosterone secretion, renal tubular sodium and water reabsorption increases and other factors , is the cause of renal edema . Only light weight gain ( recessive edema ) , swelling of body weight may even belly ( chest ) cavity lot effusion.
2 proteinuria
Glomerulonephritis , glomerular capillary wall permeability, plasma albumin filtration by the base film , and proteinuria , the most important features of glomerulonephritis proteinuria .
3 urinary tube
Urine protein tube is formed by coagulation and sedimentation , so when glomerulonephritis, urinary tube should have . It should be noted that the only protein in urine without the tube, does not reflect the glomerular lesions. On the contrary, the protein is not only casts no prompt glomerular lesions . Only when both proteins in the urine tube have only tips glomerular lesions.
4 hypertension
Kidney by regulating water, sodium metabolism, resulting in high blood pressure affect the effective circulating blood volume, while producing renin , affect the renin -angiotensin- aldosterone system . Chronic glomerulonephritis, hypertension 33.3% , 84% occurred in uremia .
5. Anemia
Renal anemia is often diluted by the water retention due to leave ; severe glomerular lesions, reduced erythropoietin anemia . Anemia is generally normal morphology , normal pigment anemia.
6 azotemia and uremia
It is a manifestation of glomerular renal insufficiency occurs when the end-stage disease to , but not all patients have glomerulonephritis performance .

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Keep Your Kidneys Healthy, Catch Kidney Disease Early

Your kidneys aren’t very big—each is about the size of your fist—but they do important work. They keep you healthy by maintaining just the right balance of water and other substances inside your body.
Unfortunately, if your kidneys start to malfunction, you might not realize it for a long while. Kidney disease usually doesn’t make you feel sick until the problem becomes serious and irreversible. March is National Kidney Month, a perfect time to learn more about how to keep your kidneys healthy and how to catch problems early.
We all lose a little of our kidney function as we get older. People can even survive with just one kidney if they donate the other to a friend or family member.
But when kidney function drops because of an underlying kidney disease, it’s something to be concerned about. Toxins and extra water can build up in your blood. Falling hormone production can cause other problems. About 1 in 10 adults nationwide, or about 20 million people, have at least some signs of kidney damage.
If you have these risk factors, it’s important to be screened for kidney disease. That usually involves simple laboratory tests: a urine test to look for kidney damage, and a blood test to measure how well the kidneys are working. If we catch it early, we can slow down its progression.
Without treatment, kidney disease often gets worse. If your GFR drops below 15, you may feel tired and weak, with nausea, vomiting and itching. By that point, you may need dialysis or a kidney transplant. It’s a good idea to talk with your doctor about the possibility of these therapies long before they’re needed. It takes time to understand your options, and it’s easier to figure things out when you’re feeling healthy.
You can take many steps to avoid or delay reaching the point of kidney failure. The best thing you can do is control your blood pressure. A healthy lifestyle, including physical activity and a heart-healthy diet, can help to normalize blood pressure and also slow kidney disease.
If you have been diagnosed with kidney disease, we're here to help. Email us: (Monday through Sunday) to make an appointment.

Prolonged use of aspirin can lead to kidney failure?

Damage or injury to kidneys caused by a type of analgesic called Aspirin. Research shows that people who taking aspirin or paracetamol regularly are more likely to get a chronic renal diseases. Taking regular, high doses of aspirin---or any other analgesic such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen or naproxen sodium---can cause further decline in already compromised kidneys. Using a lot of aspirin every day can put you at risk for developing future kidney problems even if your kidneys are normal. But right now there is no clear explanation about this phenomenon.
Doc. Michael together with his colleagues in Karolinska organization in Sweden, made a research about the application of the anesthesia analgesic on nine hundred chronic renal disease patients.
Medical experts say that use of the medication does not cause the kidney disease, which is called focal segmental sclerosis. But many doctors say that at excessive levels of anti-inflammatory drugs, from over-the-counter medicine like ibuprofen and aspirin to prescription drugs like Vioxx and Indocin, may lead to other kinds of kidney problems.
The data of the research points that the sickness risk of people who take the aspirin is 2.5 times higher than people who do not take. Compared with aspirin, acetaminophen is more danger. Anyway there are obvious and strong relationships between the analgesic and kidney failure.
Mild kidney damage may cause few if any symptoms whereas severe damage can ultimately result in kidney failure. Symptoms may be acute, subacute or chronic depending on the severity of the toxicity. Kidney problems usually only occur with chronic use of the drug. Factors such as age, dehydration and underlying kidney problems may also influence a person's risk of developing kidney problems and the severity of the symptoms.
If you have been diagnosed with kidney disease , we're here to help. Email us: (Monday through Sunday) to make an appointment.

Does suppresses the urine lead to renal failure?

suppresses the urine
There are many reasons for renal failure. But what is the relationship between suppresses the urine and the renal failure. We all know that chronic kidney nephritis, diabetes nephropathy and hypertensive nephropathy can end in renal failure. Does it make any sense that the suppresses the urine causing renal failure?
We can tell you that there is no direct relation between the two things but there is no doubt that holding the urine too much can lead to the infection of the bladder. The infection need antibiotic to cure which has a bad influence on the kidneys. With the different Physiological structure from the men, females are more easily to get infection in bladders.
In daily life people should not hold the urine because it will damage the kidney. If the kidney function decrease,
the disease will appear. Research shows that holding the urine too much is a cause of renal failure. Here is the reason.
When the urine in the bladder reaches 200cc, people will get the desire to go to the toilet. If you do not answer the call, the bladder still has space to contain more urine until to 600cc. Reaching to this point the bladder will expand too much and the muscle will become loose. So holding the urine is forbidden unless you are doing a check.
In acute cystitis, the urine will run back and the returned urine with bacteria will cause infection in the kidney. If you hold the urine too long, the pressure in the bladder will increase which will damage the kidneys’ function. That is why it causes the renal failure.
If you have been diagnosed with kidney disease , we're here to help. Email us: (Monday through Sunday) to make an appointment.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Carbonated Drinks may lead to kidney disease

Recently, a twitter said that Mr. Shen stated to drink aerated water twenty years ago. He can drink five-ten bottles in a single day. Even he was diagnosed kidney stone seven years ago he did not change the habit until this October. He got a sharp pain in the kidneys and the doctor said that the stones are getting larger. The doctor suggested that he’d better stop drinking aerated water because the drink can increase the burden of kidneys and may result in kidney failure.
It is very rare that a person got kidney failure for drinking the aerated water but it is true that drinking the soft water too much for a long time can cause kidney problems. Doc. Yang, a famous doctor in our hospital said that the all kinds of soft water in the market contain too much sugar. Drinking it too much for a long time, people may get fat even get diabetes which is a main cause of the kidney disease.
Too much Carbonated Drinks can speed the elimination of calcium from the kidney which definitely will increase the burden kidneys. Both carbonated drinks and fruit drinks have Preservatives and Additives which also increase the burden of kidneys. Once the kidney cannot afford the work the kidney disease appears.
Doc. Yang said it is not a wise choice to drink aerated water everyday even for the healthy people. Water is the best choice. Now the weather is very dry so people should drink more water than usual. 1500ml-2000ml is the proper range for a day. People with infection of urine system or kidney stones should drink more.
If you have been diagnosed with kidney disease, we're here to help. Email us: (Monday through Sunday) to make an appointment.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

How the TCM treat Diabetic Nephropathy?

Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is typically defined by macroalbuminuria—that is, a urinary albumin excretion of more than 300 mg in a 24-hour collection—or macroalbuminuria and abnormal renal function as represented by an abnormality in serum creatinine, calculated creatinine clearance, or glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Clinically, diabetic nephropathy is characterized by a progressive increase in proteinuria and decline in GFR, hypertension, and a high risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.
How the traditional Chinese medicine works on diabetic nephropathy?
Diabetes or kidney disease caused by diabetes is a kind of disease that last for your whole life. If the illness can not be controlled well the blood pressure can also be influenced which will make it harder to treat the diabetes and the diabetic nephropathy. If a person he has diabetes, high blood pressure and kidney disease the choose of the medicine must be careful for some medicine can make the kidney worse. The western medicine in this time can not make a good effect in controlling the illness. The traditional Chinese medicine can do follow things to control the disease.
Control the blood sugar
The ways to control the blood sugar including diet together with the medicine to control the blood sugar.
Control the complications of diabetes
The complications including the high blood pressure, the high blood inner pressure which can alleviate the symptoms of the protein urine and the symptoms of kidney failure.
If you have been diagnosed with kidney disease, we're here to help. Email us: (Monday through Sunday) to make an appointment.

Does back pain suggested kidney problems?

At some point in your life, you will probably experience some sort of back pain. Maybe you’ll lift something heavy or fall on the sidewalk, or even develop a condition that puts a strain on your back. No matter what the cause is, back pain is serious and may lead to surgery if not tended to properly. If you’ve suffered from back pain in the past or want to know how to prevent back pain in the future, this guide is for you.
The symptoms of back pain will vary from person to person, depending on what cause of pain is. The general symptoms that are commonly experienced are:
Sharp pains, Stiffness, Inability to stand up straight, Pain that radiates down through the legs, Aching muscles, Difficulty moving your back or having a limited range of motion.
There are two types of back pain: chronic and acute. Chronic back pain is pain that is constant or goes away briefly and reoccurs.
How To Care For Your Back
Your doctor will coach you on the best way to treat your back, depending on what’s causing your pain and if your pain is acute or chronic. If your back pain is chronic, you may need to visit a physical therapist, who can teach you how to strengthen the muscles in your back, as well as a massage therapist or an acupuncturist. Both of these specialists can help relieve you of some of the symptoms as well as help you to manage the pain. Wearing a back brace during the day, especially while at work, can give your back some support and putting hot and cold packs on your back at night can help the muscles and ligaments relax.
If you have been diagnosed with kidney disease, we're here to help. Email us: (Monday through Sunday) to make an appointment.

Walking is Critical After Transplant

While in the hospital, our Kidney Team encourages transplant patients to get out of bed and walk as soon as their anesthesia wears off. “Walking is the best form of exercise after transplantation, as it helps reduce swelling and expedite the recovery process,” says Steven Katznelson, M.D., medical director of California Pacific’s Kidney Transplant Program. Around four to six weeks after surgery, other types of exercise can be added. It is best to start with low-impact exercises such as:
Riding an indoor exercise bicycle;
Taking a fast walk or slow jog on a treadmill.
Most Sports Okay for Transplant Recipients
After about six to eight weeks, assuming that the surgical wound has healed well, you can begin nearly any form of exercise. The general principle is to start slowly. If you used to jog five miles, start by jogging 1/2 mile first, then work your way up to your goal. If you used to lift 100 pounds at the gym, start with 20 pounds. Multiple repetitions of any exercise at a lower weight are better than trying to lift too much too soon.
Transplant recipients can engage in virtually any type of exercise or sport. Only those sports that regularly involve direct blows to the kidney are discouraged (for those of you interested in kick-boxing or rugby, we recommend you try biking or tennis!) Otherwise, almost anything goes. As you may know, Alonzo Mourning, a recently retired professional basketball star, received a kidney transplant and then went back to playing ball.
If you have been diagnosed with kidney disease, we're here to help. Email us:  (Monday through Sunday) to make an appointment.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Are there any treatments for healing kidney damage?

Having chronic kidney disease means that for some time your kidneys have not been working the way they should. Your kidneys have the important job of filtering your blood. They remove waste products and extra fluid and flush them from your body as urine. When your kidneys don't work right, wastes build up in your blood and make you sick.
Chronic kidney disease may seem to have come on suddenly. But it has been happening bit by bit for many years as a result of damage to your kidneys.
Nowadays, treatments for this disease mainly include control of high blood pressure, management of high blood sugar level, healthy diet, take moderate exercises, maintain a good attitude and so on. To be honest, these measures indeed can help delay it’s progression. Unfortunately, they can do nothing to heal kidney damage from the root.
At our center, we supply chronic kidney disease patients with unique Chinese medicine treatment. And Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is strongly recommended.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Six Steps of Immunotherapy


Based on the state-of-the-art and the most perfect testing technology,we can do a precise examination of lidneys and this is the reliable base for subsequent treatment.
Immune clearance
We put the emphasis on the blood purification since we think that only by way of purifying the toxic substances in the blood can kidney damage be changed fundamentally. Making use of advanced equipments in blood purification room in our hospital and taking various blood clearance technologies can purge the harmful substances in blood of the patients,which provides a powerful support for the next step.
Immune blocking
From our point of view,the outbreak reason of kidney illness is the excessive immune reaction. In other words, it is the excessive immune inflammatory reaction of the kidney. By means of suppressing the immune response we can stop the incessant damage of kidney tissues and cells.
Immnue tolerance
Immune blocking will cause the deposition of immune complex in kidney.Immune tolerance admits this fact and meanwhile prevents further damage of kidney.
This step is taken to regulate the immune complex caused by immune tolerance. Through micro-Chinese medicine osmotherapy,the immune complex can be excreted out of the body.
This process is to rebuild the collective immnue system. We think that no matter what diseases are, they all root in disorder of oneself immune system. If the defencive function of immune system is rebuilded,then the disease can be prevented.