Monday, July 14, 2014

Six Steps of Immunotherapy


Based on the state-of-the-art and the most perfect testing technology,we can do a precise examination of lidneys and this is the reliable base for subsequent treatment.
Immune clearance
We put the emphasis on the blood purification since we think that only by way of purifying the toxic substances in the blood can kidney damage be changed fundamentally. Making use of advanced equipments in blood purification room in our hospital and taking various blood clearance technologies can purge the harmful substances in blood of the patients,which provides a powerful support for the next step.
Immune blocking
From our point of view,the outbreak reason of kidney illness is the excessive immune reaction. In other words, it is the excessive immune inflammatory reaction of the kidney. By means of suppressing the immune response we can stop the incessant damage of kidney tissues and cells.
Immnue tolerance
Immune blocking will cause the deposition of immune complex in kidney.Immune tolerance admits this fact and meanwhile prevents further damage of kidney.
This step is taken to regulate the immune complex caused by immune tolerance. Through micro-Chinese medicine osmotherapy,the immune complex can be excreted out of the body.
This process is to rebuild the collective immnue system. We think that no matter what diseases are, they all root in disorder of oneself immune system. If the defencive function of immune system is rebuilded,then the disease can be prevented.


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