Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Formation of the kidney stone

Form the causes of the kidney stone we know that preventing kidney stone we should change our eating habit. We need to change the thinking that pursuing the one single nutrition and some certain nutritions. In daily life we can not only eat one food or some kind of food and ignore other food.

We need to pay attention to our food and the diet should be variable. Even the healthy check showed that we lack some nutrition in our body it is not right to supply it much amount in one time. Because the human body can not absorb these nutritions in one time. The extra nutritions will be removed by kidney through urine which as a result will burden the kidney and the urine system. It is harmful to human body if not bring kidney stone.

After the patients are diagnosed kidney stone he should limit the food that can promote the forming of the stone. Kidney stone is a kind of urine stone which may forme in the hot summer. Because people sweat a lot in summer and in the same time with less liquid intake the urine volume will decrease. What is more in summer the sunshine is strong which can help the vitamin D combine with vitamin A and the combination can make the calcium increase so easy to form stone. In winter the weather is cold and the human urine volume will increase so the small stone will be removed by the urine. When the stone moving in the urine tract people will feel painful. So kidney stone often referred to form in summer but painful in winter.

If you have been diagnosed with kidney disease, we're here to help. Email us: alisa1053360918@yahoo.com (Monday through Sunday) to make an appointment.


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