Wednesday, August 6, 2014

What methods should the CKF patients take when suffer from fever?

The fundamental and effective method is to cure the kidney disease completely and improve immunity. Chronic kidney failure is a chronic disease in clinical and it is caused by various reasons.With the progressive loss of renal failure, Chronic Kidney Failure will finally run to end-stage kidney failure. In clinical,according to the degree of damage of kidney, there are the following stages of CKF:compensatory stage of renal insufficiency, stage of azotemia, renal failure stage and uremic stage.
The effective treatment is vital. All the measures must follow the instrucions of doctors. Take medcines properly instead of aspirin which is renal toxic and will do damage to the kidney.
The treatment methods should be focused on the following points:
Rest: if the symptoms are obvious,you should stay in bed;if not,try to avoid manual labor;if swelling and high blood pressure are observed,you should reduce your salt intake.
Anti-inflammatory: the object of anti-inflammatory is to reduce the damages of inflammation to glomerular mesangial cells.
Anti-freezing: the increasing amount of inflammatory-cells in the blood will raise the consistency of the blood which results in an acceleration of the formation of micro-thrombus in the glomerular capillary. The usage of anticoagulant is to reduce the formation of micro-thrombus in order to lay the foundation for restoring the glomerular mesangial cells.


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