Thursday, July 31, 2014

This time the urine occult blood glomerulonephritis +3 (200)?

Condition analysis:
Hello, urine occult blood, indicating a urinary tract bleeding, including kidney, ureter, bladder and other organs can cause bleeding in urine occult blood.
Recommendations to the local hospital Nephrology regular checks to be urine, blood, exclude urinary tract infection. Then make a kidney ureter bladder B-exclude urinary stones. Urinary red cell morphology then be checked to see that the site is bleeding, re-treatment.
What are the symptoms of glomerulonephritis?
1 . Edema
Glomerular filtration rate , resulting in water and sodium retention ; protein lost in the urine due to decreased plasma colloid osmotic pressure , causing water retention ; renin secretion, causing secondary aldosterone secretion, renal tubular sodium and water reabsorption increases and other factors , is the cause of renal edema . Only light weight gain ( recessive edema ) , swelling of body weight may even belly ( chest ) cavity lot effusion.
2 proteinuria
Glomerulonephritis , glomerular capillary wall permeability, plasma albumin filtration by the base film , and proteinuria , the most important features of glomerulonephritis proteinuria .
3 urinary tube
Urine protein tube is formed by coagulation and sedimentation , so when glomerulonephritis, urinary tube should have . It should be noted that the only protein in urine without the tube, does not reflect the glomerular lesions. On the contrary, the protein is not only casts no prompt glomerular lesions . Only when both proteins in the urine tube have only tips glomerular lesions.
4 hypertension
Kidney by regulating water, sodium metabolism, resulting in high blood pressure affect the effective circulating blood volume, while producing renin , affect the renin -angiotensin- aldosterone system . Chronic glomerulonephritis, hypertension 33.3% , 84% occurred in uremia .
5. Anemia
Renal anemia is often diluted by the water retention due to leave ; severe glomerular lesions, reduced erythropoietin anemia . Anemia is generally normal morphology , normal pigment anemia.
6 azotemia and uremia
It is a manifestation of glomerular renal insufficiency occurs when the end-stage disease to , but not all patients have glomerulonephritis performance .


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