Saturday, July 26, 2014

Prolonged use of aspirin can lead to kidney failure?

Damage or injury to kidneys caused by a type of analgesic called Aspirin. Research shows that people who taking aspirin or paracetamol regularly are more likely to get a chronic renal diseases. Taking regular, high doses of aspirin---or any other analgesic such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen or naproxen sodium---can cause further decline in already compromised kidneys. Using a lot of aspirin every day can put you at risk for developing future kidney problems even if your kidneys are normal. But right now there is no clear explanation about this phenomenon.
Doc. Michael together with his colleagues in Karolinska organization in Sweden, made a research about the application of the anesthesia analgesic on nine hundred chronic renal disease patients.
Medical experts say that use of the medication does not cause the kidney disease, which is called focal segmental sclerosis. But many doctors say that at excessive levels of anti-inflammatory drugs, from over-the-counter medicine like ibuprofen and aspirin to prescription drugs like Vioxx and Indocin, may lead to other kinds of kidney problems.
The data of the research points that the sickness risk of people who take the aspirin is 2.5 times higher than people who do not take. Compared with aspirin, acetaminophen is more danger. Anyway there are obvious and strong relationships between the analgesic and kidney failure.
Mild kidney damage may cause few if any symptoms whereas severe damage can ultimately result in kidney failure. Symptoms may be acute, subacute or chronic depending on the severity of the toxicity. Kidney problems usually only occur with chronic use of the drug. Factors such as age, dehydration and underlying kidney problems may also influence a person's risk of developing kidney problems and the severity of the symptoms.
If you have been diagnosed with kidney disease , we're here to help. Email us: (Monday through Sunday) to make an appointment.


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