Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Carbonated Drinks may lead to kidney disease

Recently, a twitter said that Mr. Shen stated to drink aerated water twenty years ago. He can drink five-ten bottles in a single day. Even he was diagnosed kidney stone seven years ago he did not change the habit until this October. He got a sharp pain in the kidneys and the doctor said that the stones are getting larger. The doctor suggested that he’d better stop drinking aerated water because the drink can increase the burden of kidneys and may result in kidney failure.
It is very rare that a person got kidney failure for drinking the aerated water but it is true that drinking the soft water too much for a long time can cause kidney problems. Doc. Yang, a famous doctor in our hospital said that the all kinds of soft water in the market contain too much sugar. Drinking it too much for a long time, people may get fat even get diabetes which is a main cause of the kidney disease.
Too much Carbonated Drinks can speed the elimination of calcium from the kidney which definitely will increase the burden kidneys. Both carbonated drinks and fruit drinks have Preservatives and Additives which also increase the burden of kidneys. Once the kidney cannot afford the work the kidney disease appears.
Doc. Yang said it is not a wise choice to drink aerated water everyday even for the healthy people. Water is the best choice. Now the weather is very dry so people should drink more water than usual. 1500ml-2000ml is the proper range for a day. People with infection of urine system or kidney stones should drink more.
If you have been diagnosed with kidney disease, we're here to help. Email us: (Monday through Sunday) to make an appointment.


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