Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Walking is Critical After Transplant

While in the hospital, our Kidney Team encourages transplant patients to get out of bed and walk as soon as their anesthesia wears off. “Walking is the best form of exercise after transplantation, as it helps reduce swelling and expedite the recovery process,” says Steven Katznelson, M.D., medical director of California Pacific’s Kidney Transplant Program. Around four to six weeks after surgery, other types of exercise can be added. It is best to start with low-impact exercises such as:
Riding an indoor exercise bicycle;
Taking a fast walk or slow jog on a treadmill.
Most Sports Okay for Transplant Recipients
After about six to eight weeks, assuming that the surgical wound has healed well, you can begin nearly any form of exercise. The general principle is to start slowly. If you used to jog five miles, start by jogging 1/2 mile first, then work your way up to your goal. If you used to lift 100 pounds at the gym, start with 20 pounds. Multiple repetitions of any exercise at a lower weight are better than trying to lift too much too soon.
Transplant recipients can engage in virtually any type of exercise or sport. Only those sports that regularly involve direct blows to the kidney are discouraged (for those of you interested in kick-boxing or rugby, we recommend you try biking or tennis!) Otherwise, almost anything goes. As you may know, Alonzo Mourning, a recently retired professional basketball star, received a kidney transplant and then went back to playing ball.
If you have been diagnosed with kidney disease, we're here to help. Email us:  (Monday through Sunday) to make an appointment.


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