Monday, August 4, 2014

How to treat chronic renal failure? What should pay attention to in daily life?

Condition analysis:chronic renal failure is the performance of all kinds of the late renal lesion . You need to know the cause of the kidney failure.
  there are many reasons for kidney failure. The common causes are high blood pressure, diabetes, chronic nephritis, etc. At the same time, you should see if the performance of the kidney failure and the level of the creatinine can have the dialysis treatment , especially other kidney problems causes by the chronic renal failure.
Dietary Intervention

Patients were advised by the nephrologists to make the following diet and lifestyle interventions:
• Restrict Sodium intake
•  red meat and chicken
•  protein
•  fruit and vegetables
•  fish and vegetable protein
• Use plant sterol margarine
• Use grapeseed oil
•  SFA and total fat
• Take fish oil capsules
• Do aggressive aerobic
• exercise
• Stop smoking


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