Sunday, August 31, 2014

Be careful about the traditional Chinese medicine

Many people thought that the traditional Chinese herbs are mild and has no side effect at all. But some herbs are really have effects and also have side effect for it contains toxin such as aristolochine . According to the medical report the side effect of abuse of the herbs are in a rising way recent years. And what is more the side effect can influence all the systems of the body and the kidney is an organ that suffers a lot.
In 1993, a scholar from Belgium reported that after using a certainweight-reducing aid the kidney failure appears in some cases which causes the attention of the whole world for the herb use.
According to a news report in China, some people thought they got inflamed in the inner body so they choose some herbs. In the early stage the effect is very obvious but later patients will appear symptoms such as tired, anemia , and low appetite. They went to the hospital to check and diagnosed as Aristolochic acid nephropathy.
An old traditional Chinese doctor in Beijing said that he remembered that his grandfather used to eat Gentian purging liver pills to relieve the inner anger of the body. But finally died of kidney failure. In order to live many patients chose dialysis which expanse a lot of money.
In 1988, China promulgated a law of controlling the medical market. The law has made it clearly that some herbs are veneniferous such as flos daturae and unprocessed Fructus Crotonis. Some herbs contain toxin themselves but some herbs get the toxin when planting in the toxin water or soil.
The toxin in the herb can damage the Renal tubular directly or make the kidney short of blood. The patients will suffer blood urine, protein urine, and more urine during night. Except the urinary system the whole system of the body can be influenced such as the digestive system and the circulation system.
Scientist said that some people do not suitable to use the herbs such as elder people and patients with diabetes and also some infant. For these people’s kidney function already have decreased so the toxin in the herbs can not be expelled from the body timely which increase the rate of getting kidney failure or other side effects.
If you have been diagnosed with kidney disease, we're here to help. Email us: (Monday through Sunday) to make an appointment.


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