Sunday, August 31, 2014

Be careful about the traditional Chinese medicine

Many people thought that the traditional Chinese herbs are mild and has no side effect at all. But some herbs are really have effects and also have side effect for it contains toxin such as aristolochine . According to the medical report the side effect of abuse of the herbs are in a rising way recent years. And what is more the side effect can influence all the systems of the body and the kidney is an organ that suffers a lot.
In 1993, a scholar from Belgium reported that after using a certainweight-reducing aid the kidney failure appears in some cases which causes the attention of the whole world for the herb use.
According to a news report in China, some people thought they got inflamed in the inner body so they choose some herbs. In the early stage the effect is very obvious but later patients will appear symptoms such as tired, anemia , and low appetite. They went to the hospital to check and diagnosed as Aristolochic acid nephropathy.
An old traditional Chinese doctor in Beijing said that he remembered that his grandfather used to eat Gentian purging liver pills to relieve the inner anger of the body. But finally died of kidney failure. In order to live many patients chose dialysis which expanse a lot of money.
In 1988, China promulgated a law of controlling the medical market. The law has made it clearly that some herbs are veneniferous such as flos daturae and unprocessed Fructus Crotonis. Some herbs contain toxin themselves but some herbs get the toxin when planting in the toxin water or soil.
The toxin in the herb can damage the Renal tubular directly or make the kidney short of blood. The patients will suffer blood urine, protein urine, and more urine during night. Except the urinary system the whole system of the body can be influenced such as the digestive system and the circulation system.
Scientist said that some people do not suitable to use the herbs such as elder people and patients with diabetes and also some infant. For these people’s kidney function already have decreased so the toxin in the herbs can not be expelled from the body timely which increase the rate of getting kidney failure or other side effects.
If you have been diagnosed with kidney disease, we're here to help. Email us: (Monday through Sunday) to make an appointment.

Factor of Eating Pain Killer Indiscriminately to Cause Nephritis

Pain killer is normal among us. Although majorities of pain killer are safe, we can’t take it at random. Eating pain killer randomly will cause nephritis. The factor of eating pain killer indiscriminately to cause nephritis are as follows:
1. Stimulate the gastrointestinal tract

Medicines such as aspirin and indometacin may stimulate gastric mucosa, causing severe gastrointestinal reaction, gastric ulcer and even gastrorrhagia, gastrobrosia. If you take calcium tablets at the time of taking pain killer, the stimulation will be largely increased.
2. Cause kidney damage
Pain killer will restrain the synthesis of prostaglandin, therefore the random use of pain killer may result in chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis, renal papillary necrosis and kidney dysfunction.
The US Food and Drug Administration once claimed that all of the non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs have the risk of cardiovascular disease.
4. Cause hematological system disease
Long time use of pain killer may result in the decrease of leukocyte, causing aplastic anemia.
5. Produce psychological dependence
Long time use of pain killer will make patient have the psychological dependence and increase the anxious emotion. At last the atmosphere of “the more you take, the larger the dose is” and “ you can’t live without drugs” will appear.
Pain killer is one wonderful drug to relieve pain. But we shouldn’t take pain killer indiscriminately in case of nephritis.
If you have suffered from these kinds of uncomfort, and been diagnosed with nephritis, we're here to help. Email us: (Monday through Sunday) to make an appointment.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Is there other way to lower the creatinine except dialysis and kidney transplant?

Nowadays the most common ways to treat high creatinine are dialysis and kidney transplant. But the two ways have arose the doubt by the experts to lower the creatinine. There are a lot of difficulties to choose a proper kidney donor and the big expanse. What is more the high risk of the surgery and the protection after the surgery is very important. 
Compared with kidney transplant dialysis the living quality is higher. But it is a kind of treatment that can only take place the function of the kidney but not lower the high creatinine from the root causes.
After kidney transplant, the patients can avoid the suffering of dialysis and do not need to pay too much attention to the diet. And also some patients even can go back to work. But these things can not easily be achieved. All the efforts of the surgery will be in vain once things happen below.
● The precondition is the patients physical condition. In order to make the surgery success the doctor will check the patient’s condition for a long time and make sure it is under the condition to do the surgery. The quality of the donor is also important and the technique of the doctor is also essential.
● Rejection reaction is what the patients have to meet after the surgery. Some medicine is needed and also need to updated to increase the living rate of the kidney transplant patients. If the medicine can not work the patients need to do dialysis. What is more the more you use the rejection reaction medicine your body becomes more weak and the immune system will decrease.
● Many experts and patients try to find solutions to the traditional Chinese medicine. It shows that the traditional Chinese medicine can enlarge the blood vessel and increase the blood volume which can improve the condition of the kidney condition.
If you have been diagnosed with kidney disease, we're here to help. Email us: (Monday through Sunday) to make an appointment.

The medicine for type 2 diabetes

Oral Medication
When people with type 2 diabetes are unable to control blood sugar sufficiently with diet and exercise, medication may be added. There are many types of diabetes pills available, and they are often used in combination. Some work by stimulating the pancreas to make more insulin, and others improve the effectiveness of insulin, or block the digestion of starches. Some medications used to treat type 2 diabetes also help inhibit the breakdown of insulin.
Your doctor may prescribe insulin early on in your treatment and in combination with pills. Insulin can also used in people with type 2 diabetes who develop "beta-cell failure." This means the cells in the pancreas no longer produce insulin in response to high blood sugar levels. In this case, insulin therapy -- injections or an insulin pump -- must become part of the daily routine.
New drugs are available for people with type 2 diabetes. Pramlintide (Symlin), exenatide (Byetta), and liraglutide (Victoza) are non-insulin injectable drugs. Whereas insulin pulls glucose into the cells, these medications cause the body to release insulin to control blood sugar levels.
In a healthy person, insulin helps turn food into energy -- in an efficient manner. The stomach breaks down carbohydrates from food into sugars, including glucose. Glucose then enters the bloodstream, which stimulates the pancreas to release insulin in just the right amount. Insulin, a hormone, allows glucose to enter cells throughout the body, where it is used as fuel. Excess glucose is stored in the liver.
If you have been diagnosed with kidney disease, we're here to help. Email us: (Monday through Sunday) to make an appointment.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Formation of the kidney stone

Form the causes of the kidney stone we know that preventing kidney stone we should change our eating habit. We need to change the thinking that pursuing the one single nutrition and some certain nutritions. In daily life we can not only eat one food or some kind of food and ignore other food.

We need to pay attention to our food and the diet should be variable. Even the healthy check showed that we lack some nutrition in our body it is not right to supply it much amount in one time. Because the human body can not absorb these nutritions in one time. The extra nutritions will be removed by kidney through urine which as a result will burden the kidney and the urine system. It is harmful to human body if not bring kidney stone.

After the patients are diagnosed kidney stone he should limit the food that can promote the forming of the stone. Kidney stone is a kind of urine stone which may forme in the hot summer. Because people sweat a lot in summer and in the same time with less liquid intake the urine volume will decrease. What is more in summer the sunshine is strong which can help the vitamin D combine with vitamin A and the combination can make the calcium increase so easy to form stone. In winter the weather is cold and the human urine volume will increase so the small stone will be removed by the urine. When the stone moving in the urine tract people will feel painful. So kidney stone often referred to form in summer but painful in winter.

If you have been diagnosed with kidney disease, we're here to help. Email us: (Monday through Sunday) to make an appointment.

Characteristic Therapy for Kidney Disease

In the process of treatment for kidney disease, we are often confused by the questions like: why there are no effctive medicines for the kidney disease? What causes the relapse of kidney disease? And the final result of kidney is due to uraemia? For the first question,the fact is that the definitive pathogeny is mot cleat so far,that is, nobody can tell you the root cause of kidney disease. Since there is no effctive medicine for the disease, the cure for the disease is certainly impossible.

 If the disease is cured,it must be accidental. Therefore, on this basis it is not hard to understand why kidney disease often relapses. Afterall the kidney disease is not cured completely and its relapse is natural and which have explained the root reason why kidney disease often reoccurs. As for the question whether all the kidney disease patients will progress into uraemia or not ,our answer is that:if the kidney diseases develop into the chronic ones and without exceptional reasons,they are destined to become uraemia. The only difference is the time it takes.

Up till the present moment, you may get a general idea about the kidney disease,its current situation is:the root cause of kidney disease is not clear;there is no effective medcine;the reason why kidney ofen relapses is uncertain;the final stage of kidney disease is uraemia; and there is no hospital which can cure the kidney disease. In spite of the depressing present situation, we should not be optimistic. Though we can not cure kidney disease completely, we have methods to prevent it from worsening and in some cases kidney disease will not affect the nomal life of the patients.
The following passage is going to give you a rough picture about the brand-new kidney disease therapy ,the characteristic therapy in our hospital.
The therapeutic method for kidney disease is to treat the disease from the blood instead of the kidney itself. That is, to treat kidney disease from the patients' unhealthy blood contaminated with toxic and harmful wastes rather than starting from repairing the renal lesions. And this special method is called clear blood pollution therapy. This therapy is specialized in removing the toxin and harmful substance on vascular walls and blood vessels so as to effectively restore original hematopoietic and blood circulation mechanism of the patients so as to cure kidney disease.
Why do we treat the disease starting from the polluted blood?
From the september 2012, after many years’ clinical tests and investagations,the experts group in our hospital discover that the fundermental reason for lingering kidney disease is the blood circulating in the body that is heavily contaminated,that is,it is the polluted blood which flows through kidney that leads to a series of kidney damage. The fundamental reason is the highly polluted blood which flows through the kidney and causes a series of pathologic changes such as renal fibrosis, kidney lesions ,the damaged renal inherent cells,the damaged immune system of human body and so on..
With this we understand eventually that it is the contaminated blood that damages the organs and makes kidney disease lingering. We can imagine that the palce where the polluted blood flows through would get infected and damaged. This kind of blood will not only do harm to normal blood circulation system,but also damage normal clotting mechanisms and haematogenous mechanism as well as secretory mechanisms and compensatory mechanisms. With this theoretical breakthrough, we find out a set of effective treatment methods in clinical at last.
Three processes of Clear Blood Pollution Therapy in treating kidney disease
In order to treat the kidney disease effectively ,the procedure of kidney treatment is divided into 3 parts:
1. Combined therapy of blood purification.
The key point of this part is to make use the method of stasis elimination and poison cleaning. Through this method, the stasis adhering to the vessel wall and the toxic and harmful substances stuck in the blood will be cleaned up comprehensively.
The core method is the technique of removing blood stasis jointly, the characteristic is to take different cleaning measures according to different degrees of blood contamination.
The latest innovation during the course of blood purifying is, we innovate the method of blood purifying and poison cleaning.
2. Elements supplementation.
The key point of this part is the proper supplement of all kinds of elements in short and to use reparative medicines effectively after analyzing the damage degrees of blood cells,coagulation hematopoietic system,secretion mechanism and metabolic mechanism. The course can ensure the blood cells to live and grow effectively and physiological mechanism functions properly.
To make sure all kinds of blood cells can exist and grow effectively and restore the normal operation of the physiological mechanism. During this procedure, the most wonderful innovation of this therapy is creating a new advanced technology for clearing the unhealthy blood as well as supplementing essential elements.
3.Function rebuilding (the process of renewing).
To recover the function of kidney through the self-healing of body under the circumstances of keeping the blood circulation system and physiological mechanism operating normally and chronically is the focal point of this part.
In the course,the main task is to guarantee the blood avoid being contaminated and normal operating mechanism without being damaged . As a result, the good environment is provided to the damaged kidney and kidney cels.
This is a long process, so the doctors and the patients should make good preparation.
1.Clear treating direction
The emphasis is to remedy the highly-contaminated blood,the direction is to rebuilt the physiological mechanism and hematopoietic system, and the aim is to recover the function of kidney
2.Flexible treating plan
The doctors’ task is to observe the changes in the blood,according to which they change the plan in time.
3. Various treating methods
During the therapeutic process, we use both the blood purification methods and the blood activation methods; both the stasis removing technology and the blood elements regulating technology, both the purification technology and the elements supplementing technology; both the toxin-elimination method and the drug combination, both the Chinese medical technology and the western medical technology.
4. Original creation of brand-new technology
The therapy is significantly characterized in the innovation of drugs combination during the process of blood purification, which has also been proved to be effective in the clinical practice.
5.High recovery rate
During the process of the kidney disease treatment, we do not stress the clinical cure, and the recovery of lesions either,let alone the disappearance of clinical symptoms. Instead,we aim to rebuild the hematopoietic system and blood coagulation mechanism. And this is highly honored as "the real fundamental therapy" by lots of patients.
If you have been diagnosed with kidney disease, we're here to help. Email us:  (Monday through Sunday) to make an appointment.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Dizzy after the dialysis

If the patient do not get the treatment in time the illness may develop into the end stage of kidney failure. In this stage patients will choose dialysis to keep living. Dialysis is the main way now but it has some disadvantages such as dizzy. In this passage the expert in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital will explain why patients feel dizzy after doing the diaysis?
The causes of the dizzy are variable. One reason is that the illness has reached to the end stage of kidney failure. In this stage the high creatinine has influenced many organs. So patients will have low appetite, vomitting and dizzy. These symptoms may got relieve after the dialysis but some patients may not . So that is one reason for the dizzy feeling.
The reason of the dizzy after dialysis can be a result of high urea natrogen. This is caused by the urea natrogen stayed in the body even after dialysis. What is more in this time these substance scattered in the blood and cells in the head which will cause dizzy feeling and high blood pressure.
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital has the mordern technology and experience experts which can provide the No. 1 services.
If you have been diagnosed with kidney disease, we're here to help. Email us: (Monday through Sunday) to make an appointment.

What causes renal failure?

This may occur with any serious illness or operation, particularly those complicated by severe infection. Acute kidney injury is common affecting about 20 per cent of those admitted to hospital with acute conditions. If the blood supply to the kidneys is reduced considerably from blood loss, a fall in blood pressure, severe dehydration or lack of salt, then the kidneys may be damaged. If this problem lasts long enough there can be permanent damage to the kidney tissue.
Sudden blockage to the drainage of urine from the kidney can cause damage. A kidney stone is a possible cause of this. Acute kidney damage can occur as a rare side effect of some medications and other rare conditions.
Acute kidney damage can occur as a rare side effect of some medications and other rare conditions.
If you have been diagnosed with kidney disease, we're here to help. Email us: (Monday through Sunday) to make an appointment.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Does the fever cause high creatinine ?

There is some relationship between fever and the high creatinine, but still other reasons cause high creatinine.
1. After the strenuous exercise will lots of sweat, the patients cannot supply the water that the body need so that cause the high creatinine.
2. The kidney disease rebounds after the radical treatment.
3. Long time diabetes , high blood pressure can not have a better control, which can also result in the high creatinine.
Creatinine is one index to judge whether the kidney is health. The high creatinine indicate the kidney has damaged in some degree. The decreased glomerular filtration function can not remove metabolities out of the body , making the creatinine increased.
High creatinine will have so many side effects. The patients should pay high attention to it, and have treatment timely.
If you have been diagnosed with kidney disease, we're here to help. Email us: (Monday through Sunday) to make an appointment.

Is Sudden Left Sided Facial Swelling- A Sign Of Diabetes Or Recurring Hand And Foot Swelling?

Diabetes is a metabolic disorder. Facial swelling is not sign of diabetes. Swelling of feet can be effect of diabetes. Signs of diabetes are frequent urination, dry mouth, increased thrust, weight loss, increased fatigue, blurred vision and irritability. You should visit a doctor if you are having above symptoms. Only swelling of the foot and hands does not indicate diabetes.

Sometimes swelling can indicate a problem such as heart, liver, or kidney disease. Ankles that swell in the evening could be a sign of retaining salt and water because of right-sided heart failure. Kidney disease can also cause foot and ankle swelling. When kidneys are not functioning properly, fluid can build up in the body. Liver disease can affect the liver's production of a protein called albumin, which keeps the blood from leaking out of the blood vessels into the surrounding tissues. Inadequate albumin production can lead to fluid leakage. Gravity causes fluid to accumulate more in the feet and ankles, but fluid can also accumulate in the abdomen and chest. If your swelling is accompanied by other symptoms, including fatigue, loss of appetite, and weight gain, see your doctor right away.
If you have been diagnosed with kidney disease, we're here to help. Email us: (Monday through Sunday) to make an appointment.

Friday, August 8, 2014

I have dialysis for 4 years .I want to know how can I get rid of dialysis ?

As for the condition, there is the second option for you. Here are the advice that have cured many patients .

1.Hemodialysis (HD), blood perfusion (HP), plasma exchange, etc. but the continuous blood purification (CBP), blood lipid,and artificial liver support system (ALSS) is combined application by multiple technologies above, Though peritoneal dialysis without extracorporeal circulation, only in ascites exchange to achieve the purpose of purifying the blood, but from broadly speaking, also should be included within the blood purification therapy.

2 on the basis of blood purification, then we take the following treatment .
  Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
  Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is external application of selected Traditional Chinese Medicine, which is applied to treat root causes by repairing renal injuries and restoring renal functions fundamentally. Its significant efficacy brings new hope for patients with Kidney Disease, which draws increasing attention worldwide.

3. Circle treatment
 Circle treatment with the traditional Chinese medicine is to crush the traditonal chinese medicine that can pull out the toxin from the body. Then carried out in accordance with the disease and different body parts. Use different drugs to root out different toxins.
After all the process, the patients can get rid of the dialysis and get well step by step.

If you have been diagnosed with kidney disease, we're here to help. Email us: (Monday through Sunday) to make an appointment.

What is the cause of renal insufficiency?

Chronic renal insufficiency is the final outcome of all kinds of kidney disease. So there are so many reasons of renal insufficiency.
● Chronic glomerulonephritis: IgA nephropathy, mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis , focal segmental sclerosing glomerulonephritis, mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis .
Kidney damage caused by metabolic abnormalities: Diabetic Nephropathy, gouty nephropathy, and amyloidosis kidney disease.
● Vascular nephropathy: high blood pressure, Renal arteriolar sclerosis
● Hereditary kidney disease: polycystic kidney, Alport syndrome
● Infectious nephropathy: chronic pyelonephritis, nephrotuberculosis
Diet tips
● Proper protein intake
In order to relieve the kidney’s burden the intake of the protein should match to the kidney’s ability of expelling.
For example, if the serum creatinine is between 170-440 micromole/L the protein intake should be 0.6 g/kilogram per day. But there is one thing we should remember that if we pursue the intake of the protein malnutrition may appear.
● Proper intake of salt
The salt intake should be considered according to the illness. Patients with high blood pressure and edema should lower the intake of salt.
● Addition
There are some foods although they conform to the conditions they are not suitable to the kidney disease patients because they contain too much phosphorus, such as yolk, dried meat floss, pluck and dairy products.

If you have been diagnosed with kidney disease, we're here to help. Email us: (Monday through Sunday) to make an appointment.

I am a chronic nephritis patient , and I want to know what should I pay attention to in daily life?

To treat chronic kidney disease , we should find the causes first. The edema in chronic kidney disease patient generally fall into two causes; one is the decreased glomerular fitration. The other is the low plasma protein caused by massive proteinuria.
Eating habits and diet management show a very important role which patients can not ignore. Patients with chronic nephritis are suggested to take a low-phosphorus, low-protein diet.

Patients should ensure adequate carbohydrates, in patients with chronic nephritis due to limit protein intake, heat is supplied primarily by carbohydrates, dietary carbohydrate should increase to meet the needs of the body heat.

If you have been diagnosed with kidney disease, we're here to help. Email us: (Monday through Sunday) to make an appointment.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

What Happens if a Person Stops Dialysis Treatment?

In medicine, dialysis is a process for removing waste and excess water from the blood, and is used primarily as an artificial replacement for lost kidney function in people withrenal failure.[1] Dialysis may be used for those with an acute disturbance in kidney function (acute kidney injury, previously acute renal failure), or progressive but chronically worsening kidney function–a state known as chronic kidney disease stage 5 (previously chronic renal failure or end-stage renal disease). The latter form may develop over months or years, but in contrast to acute kidney injury is not usually reversible, and dialysis is regarded as a "holding measure" until a renal transplant can be performed, or sometimes as the only supportive measure in those for whom a transplant would be inappropriate.

If a patient want to stop dialysis treatment, it is important that he speaks with his health care team and loved ones beforehand. When treatment is stopped, toxic wastes and fluid build up in the body, making the person feel tired. Breathing becomes difficult. A physician can prescribe medicine to make breathing easier. The length of time someone continues to live depends on his condition. He may live a week, he may go on to live for months. It depends on the amount of kidney function he has left and his overall medical condition.
If you have been diagnosed with kidney disease, we're here to help. Email us: (Monday through Sunday) to make an appointment.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

What methods should the CKF patients take when suffer from fever?

The fundamental and effective method is to cure the kidney disease completely and improve immunity. Chronic kidney failure is a chronic disease in clinical and it is caused by various reasons.With the progressive loss of renal failure, Chronic Kidney Failure will finally run to end-stage kidney failure. In clinical,according to the degree of damage of kidney, there are the following stages of CKF:compensatory stage of renal insufficiency, stage of azotemia, renal failure stage and uremic stage.
The effective treatment is vital. All the measures must follow the instrucions of doctors. Take medcines properly instead of aspirin which is renal toxic and will do damage to the kidney.
The treatment methods should be focused on the following points:
Rest: if the symptoms are obvious,you should stay in bed;if not,try to avoid manual labor;if swelling and high blood pressure are observed,you should reduce your salt intake.
Anti-inflammatory: the object of anti-inflammatory is to reduce the damages of inflammation to glomerular mesangial cells.
Anti-freezing: the increasing amount of inflammatory-cells in the blood will raise the consistency of the blood which results in an acceleration of the formation of micro-thrombus in the glomerular capillary. The usage of anticoagulant is to reduce the formation of micro-thrombus in order to lay the foundation for restoring the glomerular mesangial cells.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Does the Renal biopsy necessary for me? The kidney function is well but there is a cyst in the left kidney and the urine check shows Occult Blood2+.

According to your description, the renal biopsy is necessary to confirm that you are not suffering from tumor. Renal biopsy is better but still you could have a CT scan to make sure whether the cyst is parenchymatous. A renal biopsy is also called a kidney biopsy. The test helps your physician to identify the type of kidney disease you have, how severe it is, and the best treatment for it. A renal biopsy can also be used to monitor the effectiveness of kidney treatments and see if there are any complications following a kidney transplant.Indeed, there are some complications after renal biopsy but the technology can treat them. Complications are rare, but no procedure is completely free of risk. If you have a kidney biopsy, your doctor will review a list of possible complications, which may include bleeding, infection and pain.
After the test, patients lie on their backs in the hospital for a few hours. During this time, the staff will monitor blood pressure and pulse and take blood samples to assess for blood loss. On rare occasions when bleeding does not stop on its own, a transfusion may be necessary to replace lost blood. Most patients leave the hospital the same day. Patients may notice some blood in their urine for 24 hours after the test.
After the kidney biopsy, patients should lie on their backs—or stomachs if they have a transplanted kidney—for a few hours report any problems, such as
•bloody urine more than 24 hours after the test
•inability to urinate
•worsening pain
•faintness or dizziness
The treatment must be taken as soon as possible unless it is not a danger to our health. The traditional Chinese medicine is helpful to cure this problem. It is focus on the fundamental cause of the occult blood. If you haven’t try the traditional Chinese medicine, you can have a try and we hope you be healthy soon.

How to treat chronic renal failure? What should pay attention to in daily life?

Condition analysis:chronic renal failure is the performance of all kinds of the late renal lesion . You need to know the cause of the kidney failure.
  there are many reasons for kidney failure. The common causes are high blood pressure, diabetes, chronic nephritis, etc. At the same time, you should see if the performance of the kidney failure and the level of the creatinine can have the dialysis treatment , especially other kidney problems causes by the chronic renal failure.
Dietary Intervention

Patients were advised by the nephrologists to make the following diet and lifestyle interventions:
• Restrict Sodium intake
•  red meat and chicken
•  protein
•  fruit and vegetables
•  fish and vegetable protein
• Use plant sterol margarine
• Use grapeseed oil
•  SFA and total fat
• Take fish oil capsules
• Do aggressive aerobic
• exercise
• Stop smoking